Type A Dormitory A式宿舍
- Single Room 单人房
- Shared Bathroom & Toilet 共用浴室厕所
- Daily Meals Included 包括早晚两餐
- Utility Fees Included 包括水电瓦斯网络费
Long-term Contract 长期合约 (91 days - 2 years / 90天 - 2年)
- Monthly Payment 每个月费用 JPY74,300
- Rental 房租 JPY60,000
- Utility Fees 水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First Month payment 初次支付 JPY152,300
- Move-in Fee 搬入费用: JPY60,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Cleaning Fee 清理费: JPY15,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Building Maintenance Fee 维修费: JPY3,000 (once a year 一年一次)
- First Month’s Rental 第一个月的房租 JPY60,000
- First Month’s Utility Fees 第一个月的水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- First Month’s Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First month payment amount may differ slightly depending on move-in date 初次支付额会因入寮日而有少许差异
Short-term Contract 短期合约 (30 - 90 days / 30 - 90天)
- JPY88,000 /month /月
- Room, meals, utilities and internet included 包括房间,餐食,水电瓦斯网络费
Type B Dormitory B式宿舍
- Single Room 单人房
- Wash basin available in room 房里有洗脸盆
- Shared Bathroom & Toilet 共用浴室厕所
- Daily Meals Included 包括早晚两餐
- Utility Fees Included 包括水电瓦斯网络费
Long-term Contract 长期合约 (91 days - 2 years / 90天 - 2年)
- Monthly Payment 每个月费用 JPY74,300
- Rental 房租 JPY60,000
- Utility Fees 水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First Month payment 初次支付 JPY152,300
- Move-in Fee 搬入费用: JPY60,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Cleaning Fee 清理费: JPY15,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Building Maintenance Fee 维修费: JPY3,000 (once a year 一年一次)
- First Month’s Rental 第一个月的房租 JPY60,000
- First Month’s Utility Fees 第一个月的水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- First Month’s Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First month payment amount may differ slightly depending on move-in date 初次支付额会因入寮日而有少许差异
Short-term Contract 短期合约 (30 - 90 days / 30 - 90天)
- JPY88,000 /month /月
- Room, meals, utilities and internet included 包括房间,餐食,水电瓦斯网络费
Sharehouse Type 合租屋式
- Single Room 单人房
- Shared Bathroom & Toilet 共用浴室厕所
- Utility Fees Included 包括水电瓦斯网络费
Long-term Contract 长期合约 (91 days - 2 years / 90天 - 2年)
- Monthly Payment 每个月费用 JPY61,300
- Rental 房租 JPY47,000
- Utility Fees 水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First Month payment 初次支付 JPY126,300
- Move-in Fee 搬入费用: JPY47,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Cleaning Fee 清理费: JPY15,000 (once per contract 一份合约一次)
- Building Maintenance Fee 维修费: JPY3,000 (once a year 一年一次)
- First Month’s Rental 第一个月的房租 JPY47,000
- First Month’s Utility Fees 第一个月的水电瓦斯费 JPY12,650
- First Month’s Internet Fee 网络费 JPY1,650
- First month payment amount may differ slightly depending on move-in date 初次支付额会因入寮日而有少许差异
Short-term Contract 短期合约 (30 - 90 days / 30 - 90天)
- JPY75,000 – JPY81,000 /month /月
- Room, meals, utilities and internet included 包括房间,餐食,水电瓦斯网络费
Application Period
Application Period: February - March
Application Period: May - June
Application Period: August - September
Application Period: November - December